Thoughts and ideas on scaling tech and business.

Coding for fun and profit.$ dig _

Hi there!

I’m a Full-Stack Engineer with a passion for crafting software that is both useful and user-friendly. I’m working at as a Full-Stack engineer. I joined vivenu after realizing that I would have the right environment to achieve a lot through hands-on, hard and honest work while implementing innovative business ideas and taking the ticketing business by storm. Prior to this, I worked at KPMG, where I acquired various advisory skills and provided tech guidance in their Cyber Security Consulting Business.
My focus on technology and business is grounded in my joint study of Business Administration and Computer Science at TU Darmstadt. I was also able contribute as a student research assistant when working at the intersection of Computer Science, Business Administration and Psychology at ISE TU Darmstadt. They are the leading research institution in Germany for Information Systems Engineering.